You can also check out my wedding blog, Tara Getting Married. It has lots of DIY wedding information!

Friday, April 20, 2012

My lovely little chickies...

Wanna see what's stealing my heart lately?  

These beauties were born on April 1st.  This photo was taken on April 5th.  We actually go them on April 4th.  Since then, they've grown like weeds.  They've got a bunch of their feathers in and they're a lot bigger.  

These photos were taken on April 16/17th.  The last one is little Jack in checking them out.  He's fascinated by them.  They spend their nights in a box with a light over them, but during the day, Philip and I try to get them out and let them run around in this kiddie pool of ours.  They love scratching in the hay and looking for food.  They're adorable.  :)

The two little black ones are mine.  The other ones are my sister's.  Mine are Black Australorps.  Hers are Reds and Isa Browns.  Hopefully they'll grow up to lay lots of eggs.  Mine are named Ida and Georgia.  :)

And this is what they look like as of tonight:

You can see a few more little ones.  They're new ones my sister bought.  I'm not sure what they are.  Cute though!  I'm so happy to have chickies again! 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Finally back!

I know I've been away from this blog forever.  However, it's been a very busy month.  We moved over 1,000 miles to my hometown of Plymouth, Indiana.  My dad and sister and a friend of ours came to Colorado to help us finish packing, cleaning, and painting and then we loaded up the truck and drove to our new home. 

It took us a little bit to get settled and then we began our job searches.  Philip got a paper route almost right away.  However, he hates it and will probably not be keeping it much longer (until he gets another job!).  I've turned in about a million resumes but it is paying off.  I had an interview within a few days and I have two more this week.  I have a job beginning at the end of the month as a server for a new restaurant in town.  I'm actually really excited about it.  

I'm hoping to do it in the evenings/weekends and still have another job for days.  The interview I have on Thursday is for an insurance agency.  It's really promising but only part-time (25 hours a week).  It has potential to be more though and I'm really looking forward to the interview.  The interview that I have on Tuesday is not nearly as promising, but you never know!  

I'm not freaking out about my lack of job quite yet.  I've been keeping busy (and reading A LOT) and our funds are still holding out -- especially with Philip able to contribute now!  I've had quite a few bites on resumes and things are still pretty positive.  I am just going to keep thinking good thoughts about this week and hopefully I'll have a job soon!  :)

As far as flight school for Philip goes, things are on temporary hold.  We visited the school and it was fantastic.  We purchased the starter kit and Philip has begun online training.  However, he can't begin actual flight instruction until we have jobs so that we can get financing.  Philip is really eager to get started, but he seems to be enjoying the online stuff so far!  

As I said, it's been a long month.  But, so far, I haven't had any doubts about our decision.  I'm sure it will be the right one for us.  Of course, it helps that my family has been amazing.  It's been so nice to be home.  Today we planted trees.  Last night, mom and I went to the movies (Cabin in the Woods -- SOOO good!).  Friday I went to a doctor's appointment with my mom and then we went to lunch.  I had forgotten how wonderful it is to be with my family.  

The dogs are adjusting really well.  I was a little worried since Jippy doesn't really like change, but once we got everything unpacked and have a kind of schedule, they've all settled in nicely.  I think we're all glad for our new home.  :)