You can also check out my wedding blog, Tara Getting Married. It has lots of DIY wedding information!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sad news...

My neighbor passed away on Tuesday afternoon. Her husband is moving to Florida today. It's where his kids live and they're making him move. She didn't have a funeral. She was cremated. They have to pick up her cremains and then they're leaving for Florida.

She and her husband had a really sweet plan for their deaths. Suzie was the first to die, so Jay will hold on to her cremains until he dies. Then, when he dies, their kids will mix their cremains together and bury them together.

They were such a wonderful couple. They had been married for over 48 years, but they were still in love.

She was only 67 years old. And she was still really active. She didn't seem old at all. It just doesn't seem real. She was fighting like crazy for her life. She shouldn't have really lived as long as she did (after she had the heart attack when she first went into the hospital). She was a really strong supporter of Barrack Obama. She's been talking about him to us the whole time we've lived there. She thought that he was going to do great things for our country. Her daughter turned on the inauguration for her to listen to on Tuesday. She got to hear him be sworn in and listen to the speech that he gave. She died shortly after that. So, at least she got to hear what she had been waiting and hoping for before she died.

I'm really not dealing well with the situation. I don't think Joe is either. We loved our neighbors, and now they're gone. Jay is talking about coming back soon. He doesn't want to live with his kids in Florida. He wants to live in the home that he made with Suzie. I want him to come back, but only if it's going to be what is best for him.

It's funny to me that they were married for 48 years and still had such a wonderful relationship. My grandparents were married for roughly that long and they were miserable. They didn't like each other. My grandma didn't even cry at my grandpa's funeral. She was in the early stages of Alzheimers, but I don't think that that was the only reason. It gives me hope to see a couple that is still so happy and in love after almost 50 years together. And it breaks my heart to see them torn apart by death much too soon.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well, it's official. We have a new president! The inauguration ceremony was very nice. And, I really enjoyed Obama's speech (You can read the transcript here:

Hopefully Obama can keep up the momentum. There are lots of problems that he's inherited and it's going to take a lot of work to pull our country out of the dumps. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and trying to stay positive. And, I'll try not to be too hard on Obama. This is going to be a rough ride.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Change We Can Believe In!

Okay... so this is a selfish wish for change, but I am not the only person who wants this to be the case! Go to this website and vote for this change!

And, while you're there, find 9 other causes that you'd like to vote for. The top ten will be
Just so you know why you're doing this:

The Ideas for Change in America competition was created in response to Barack Obama's call for increased citizen involvement in government. The final round of voting began on January 5 and is comprised of the top 3 rated ideas from each of the 30 issues in the first round of the competition, which collectively received more than 250,000 votes.

The top 10 rated ideas from the final round will be presented to the Obama administration on January 16th at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, co-hosted by the Case Foundation. At the event we will also announce the launch of a national advocacy campaign behind each idea in collaboration with our nonprofit partners to turn each idea into actual policy. For more information about the competition, click here »

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good news, bad news...

Good News:

So, the Carolina Panthers didn't completely play into my plan. They didn't win on Saturday night so that they could go to the game before the superbowl and then choke. However, they did completely choke. They lost by 20 points. It was awesome! I'll take it. Maybe now they'll learn the lesson that they should never ever interrupt Heroes. Otherwise, I will sick Karma on their asses. :)

Bad News:

My neighbor is in the hospital. She is actually in a coma right now. She went in with pneumonia and the stress of the hospital caused her to have a heart attack. They induced a coma to try to help her (less stress for her). Her heart is only functioning at 10% of what it is supposed to be and her organs are shutting down. Her chances of survival are very slim. She is only 67 years old. She has cirrhosis of her liver from years of prescription pills for her migraines. She is an incredibly spunky older woman.

Her husband is lost right now. He is in denial about how bad it is. Joe and I have been checking in on him and visiting with him every night. I brought him dinner one night. He kept telling us it was bad, but that she would get better. His daughter came into town yesterday (he had been telling her the same thing). She is the one that told us how bad it really was.

They've been married for almost 50 years. I'm sure he would be completely lost without her. It's heartbreaking to watch. I really like Suzie. I was excited to find neighbors who were really cool (not just for their age -- they are awesome people). I hadn't thought about having to deal with sickness or death with them because they certainly don't seem old.

The doctors have talked to Jay and his daughter about her living will. With her chances of pulling through so slim, they've had to think about pulling the plug if it comes to that.

It's very depressing. I'm trying to stay hopeful. If you're a person who prays, pray for Suzie and her family. If not, think good thoughts for them. :) Thanks.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tara's Short but Craptastic Adventure...

So... tonight, when I got off work, I came home to take care of my boys. I fed them, watered them, played with them, got them set for the evening, and then I got ready to go. I was supposed to be spending the evening with Philip and Richard. We were going to go bowling. I've been looking forward to it. I've wanted to go bowling for weeks. And besides that, tonight is Richard's last night in town. He probably won't be back until this summer.

So, I head out the door. I look down at my odometer and realize that I need to fill up my tank before I drive into Charlotte. I briefly think about what a downer it would be to break down in Charlotte. I drive to the gas station I always use. It's about a mile away from our house. I fill up my tank. The gas is a little higher than it has been. I have to spend $18 to fill up. It's been around $14-15. So, I was a little disappointed. I think about how awesome it is that I am disappointed about $18 when it wasn't that long ago that I had to spend $40 or more to fill up my car. :)

Then, I get into my car. I put the key in the ignition. I turn the key. Nothing happens. I take a deep breath and try again. Nothing happens. I take another deep breath and try again. Again, nothing happens. I try to relax. I think about who I can call. Joe is on his way back from Virginia and still hours away. No help there. I call him anyway to tell him what's going on. He says he'll try to get to me, but it'll be a while. He was supposed to be meeting me at Philip's later on. I tell him to just go on to Philip's and I'll call our neighbors. They are, after all, the only people that we actually know in Shelby. I remember that Jay's van was gone when I left. So, he would be of no help to me.

So, I walk into the gas station and wait in line. The cashier was very friendly. I explained that my car wouldn't turn over and that I needed someone to give me a jump. She said that she couldn't jump me, but recommended I ask the gentleman at the diesel pump on the other side of the building. It was a tow truck driver. He was towing a truck back to the UPS facility, but he had to fill up first. I asked him if he could give me a jump. He came over to take a look at my car (on the other side of the building). He played with some wires for a few minutes and asked me to give it a try. It still didn't work. So, he told me to get into the car and put it in neutral. Then, he pushed my car all the way around to his truck.

I couldn't believe how nice he was to me. He hooked up the jumper cables to my car and told me to crank it. Still nothing. We did this for a while and still nothing. He thought that maybe it was my starter. I asked him if he could possibly give me a tow or if he could call someone from his company to give me a tow. He said that he had to drop off the truck he was currently towing and then he'd be back to get me. I asked him if he took credit cards and he said yes. Then, he pushed my car out of the way.

He left and came back a few minutes later. He hooked my car up and we were on our way. It was only a mile or two away from my house, so it took only a few minutes. He unhooked my car from his truck and told me that he wasn't going to charge me. I thanked him profusely (as I did through this whole ordeal) and told him that it wasn't necessary and that I could pay. He refused and said that he was coming that direction anyway (lies! he had to go way out of his way to come back and pick me up!). But, I accepted. I got his card and he gave me a reference for a garage in Shelby to work on my car. I told him that I would probably need a tow when I had to take it to the garage (if it still wouldn't start).

This man made my night quite a bit brighter. :) It could have been a LOT worse. I feel really bad, though, because I don't even know his name. I assumed that it would be on the business card, but it was just a general business card for the company he worked for. I'm going to find out his name and send him a thank you card.

Good news on top of it all: Joe changed the battery yesterday (it was very old... like as old as my car), and my car started right up. :) YAY!!!

Screw You, Panthers (AKA my petty grudge)

I'm not really a huge football fan. I watch the occasional game when I have nothing better to do. I try to follow the Indianapolis Colts. They're the only team that I really care about. I do have a serious dislike for the Patriots. I always cheer for whoever they're playing against. It's because I'm a Colts fan. lol I like the Bears and the Lions... I cheer for them if they're not playing against the Colts. ...but other than that, I've not really ever cared much about any other teams.

I've never really liked the Panthers. I'd never heard of them doing anything for the community. They aren't a good team. They aren't my team. I've never really had a real dislike for them though. Something changed several weeks ago, though. Their game interrupted Heroes in the Charlotte area. Everywhere else in the U.S. got to watch Heroes, but I didn't because of the stupid Panthers. I take Heroes very seriously, people. So, I was livid. I couldn't believe they rescheduled Heroes for 2:00pm the next day (who is actually going to be able to watch at the crappiest time slot available??) for the stupid Panthers. They are never actually any good.
Well, that's not actually the case this year. They're actually doing well. Unfortunately. I refused to watch that game, but I really wanted the Panthers to lose that game. They won it. Damn. Foiled. I wanted them to lose every game after that. They didn't. They're in the playoffs now. Damn. Foiled again. They are only 2 wins away from the Superbowl. I want them to lose! They must be punished for interrupting Heroes.

I know. I am insane. I don't care. I don't normally hold grudges very well, but I am holding onto this one. If they win the superbowl, there is no justice in the world! So, the Panthers play at home tomorrow. I am desperately hoping that they lose. However, it would be even sweeter if they won tomorrow and then lost next Sunday. They would have come to the game right before the Superbowl and then choked. It would be magical. :)

So, if you are a good person, you will be hoping right alongside me that the Panthers choke and don't make it to the Superbowl. lol... I'm sure I'll forgive you and still be your friend, but I'm not so sure I'll trust your judgment afterwards. lol... :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I hate those darn captcha things. You know... those things where you have to enter the letters or words so that you can prove that you're legit and not some spammer? They are ridiculous. I don't mind that I have to do them. I don't like spammers or anything. However, is it really necessary for them to be so completely illegible? I just don't understand. They're always squished or smeared or wiggly looking. Or they're case sensitive but then they make all of the letters the same size and use letters that are exactly the same upper and lower case! I spend entirely to much time trying to get those darn things to work. Why does it have to be so darn difficult. Damn those Captchas!

Also, I haven't said this in a while, so it needs to be said...

Tu madre es muy guapo.

And to go with that...

De colores en el pequeno es Taco Bell.

There. Now I feel better. :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years Resolutions

I always do New Years Resolutions. And, I, unlike a lot of people, actually complete most of my resolutions. There's one that I never ever manage to stick to. It is, of course, the fitness resolution. However, despite my past failure, it will again be on my list for 2009. :)

1.) I have decided to write a book. So far, it's only in my head. But, everything has to start somewhere. Okay, don't laugh. It's going to be about aliens. Hahahahaha... yeah, I know. Sounds like a best-seller, right?! But, I'm sure that J.K. Rowling got the same crap about wizards, and Christopher Paolini about dragons, and Stephenie Meyer about vampires. So, I'm sticking with my aliens. :)

2.) I will work out at least 3 times per week.

3.) I will read at least one book for fun per month (this is always my favorite resolution).

4.) I will add at least one new word to my vocabulary each week.

5.) I will meet new people in Shelby, so that Joe and I will have friends closer than an hour away.

6.) I will volunteer at least 3 hours per week.

7.) I will pray/meditate at least every other day.

8.) I will work to make my relationship with Joe stronger. I will be positive and supportive.

I normally have at least 10 resolutions, but I figure, with writing a book, I can probably knock a few resolutions off. I won't have time for much else! :)

And I wish you luck with all of your resolutions. :)

News in my life

After spending the last several days laying around and forcing myself to drink inordinate amounts of juice and water, I am starting to feel better. :) I still have a bit of a cough, but I can breathe and I feel human again.

New years was nice. We spent it with Philip and Richard. ha... that makes it sound like they're some gay couple that we know. I'm sure they would appreciate that. :) Anyway, we didn't even drink. We played some games and goofed off. We got some pizza at the Italian restaurant near Philip's apartment. Joe and I crashed there. We spent all day there too, until Philip had to go to work at about 6:00. It was very relaxed. :)

Next, sad news. I don't remember if I blogged about this or not, but my ex-boyfriend got married last month. Mid-December. He got his teenage girlfriend pregnant and his mom pressured them into getting married. Anyway, she was 4 months along (into her second trimester). They told my parents that they could be grandma and grandpa, too, since they've been there for them too. Which, I am fine with. My mom crocheted 3 baby blankets. The first one was unisex but my dad thought it was ugly (I thought it was very pretty though!), so she started making a boy blanket and a girl blanket for whichever sex they had (which I think is unneccesary - a girl can have blue and a boy can have pink... grrrr.). Anyway, they bought toys and were excited about it despite being disappointed that Michael was marrying this girl. Even more excited than Michael's parents. Michael's mom wasn't excited at all. She was dreading it. She says she's not finished with Michael, so she shouldn't be having grandkids. I told her that she'll never be finished raising Michael, so she might as well start moving on now! :)

That actually wasn't the sad news. Here it is: Thursday Ashley started having pains. Tawnya (Michael's mom... who happens to be a nurse) told her that it was probably gas an to ignore it. Well, Friday, she started spot bleeding as well. Tawnya again told her to ignore it. Later that night, Michael ignored his mom and took Ashley to the emergency room. They did an ultrasound. The baby is tiny but fully formed. They could see it's arms and legs, but it had no heartbeat. For some reason, the baby died inside of her. They don't know what happened. Ashley and Michael were heartbroken, but Tawnya continued to be cold about it. They told Ashley that she could wait 2 weeks to see if the baby will abort on its own (it's better that way because there is less chance of infection), or they could do a D & C to remove the fetus. She went in last night with more pains. So, they will be doing the D & C today.

I can't imagine knowing that my baby is dead inside of me. And then to have to deal with them basically scraping the baby out is just awful. A D & C is what they do in the case of a first trimester abortion. It's disturbing to me. I don't believe in abortion, so the fact that the baby would be removed in the same way just seems degrading. This baby was unexpected, but wanted by its parents.

My mom was heartbroken. I sat on the phone with her and cried for a while. I feel for Michael and Ashley. This would be hard on any marriage, but especially hard on one that was entirely based on the child who no longer exists. I hope that this will bring them closer together and not further apart.