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Friday, January 9, 2009

Screw You, Panthers (AKA my petty grudge)

I'm not really a huge football fan. I watch the occasional game when I have nothing better to do. I try to follow the Indianapolis Colts. They're the only team that I really care about. I do have a serious dislike for the Patriots. I always cheer for whoever they're playing against. It's because I'm a Colts fan. lol I like the Bears and the Lions... I cheer for them if they're not playing against the Colts. ...but other than that, I've not really ever cared much about any other teams.

I've never really liked the Panthers. I'd never heard of them doing anything for the community. They aren't a good team. They aren't my team. I've never really had a real dislike for them though. Something changed several weeks ago, though. Their game interrupted Heroes in the Charlotte area. Everywhere else in the U.S. got to watch Heroes, but I didn't because of the stupid Panthers. I take Heroes very seriously, people. So, I was livid. I couldn't believe they rescheduled Heroes for 2:00pm the next day (who is actually going to be able to watch at the crappiest time slot available??) for the stupid Panthers. They are never actually any good.
Well, that's not actually the case this year. They're actually doing well. Unfortunately. I refused to watch that game, but I really wanted the Panthers to lose that game. They won it. Damn. Foiled. I wanted them to lose every game after that. They didn't. They're in the playoffs now. Damn. Foiled again. They are only 2 wins away from the Superbowl. I want them to lose! They must be punished for interrupting Heroes.

I know. I am insane. I don't care. I don't normally hold grudges very well, but I am holding onto this one. If they win the superbowl, there is no justice in the world! So, the Panthers play at home tomorrow. I am desperately hoping that they lose. However, it would be even sweeter if they won tomorrow and then lost next Sunday. They would have come to the game right before the Superbowl and then choked. It would be magical. :)

So, if you are a good person, you will be hoping right alongside me that the Panthers choke and don't make it to the Superbowl. lol... I'm sure I'll forgive you and still be your friend, but I'm not so sure I'll trust your judgment afterwards. lol... :)

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