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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Change We Can Believe In!

Okay... so this is a selfish wish for change, but I am not the only person who wants this to be the case! Go to this website and vote for this change!

And, while you're there, find 9 other causes that you'd like to vote for. The top ten will be
Just so you know why you're doing this:

The Ideas for Change in America competition was created in response to Barack Obama's call for increased citizen involvement in government. The final round of voting began on January 5 and is comprised of the top 3 rated ideas from each of the 30 issues in the first round of the competition, which collectively received more than 250,000 votes.

The top 10 rated ideas from the final round will be presented to the Obama administration on January 16th at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, co-hosted by the Case Foundation. At the event we will also announce the launch of a national advocacy campaign behind each idea in collaboration with our nonprofit partners to turn each idea into actual policy. For more information about the competition, click here »

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