You can also check out my wedding blog, Tara Getting Married. It has lots of DIY wedding information!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I hate those darn captcha things. You know... those things where you have to enter the letters or words so that you can prove that you're legit and not some spammer? They are ridiculous. I don't mind that I have to do them. I don't like spammers or anything. However, is it really necessary for them to be so completely illegible? I just don't understand. They're always squished or smeared or wiggly looking. Or they're case sensitive but then they make all of the letters the same size and use letters that are exactly the same upper and lower case! I spend entirely to much time trying to get those darn things to work. Why does it have to be so darn difficult. Damn those Captchas!

Also, I haven't said this in a while, so it needs to be said...

Tu madre es muy guapo.

And to go with that...

De colores en el pequeno es Taco Bell.

There. Now I feel better. :)

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