You can also check out my wedding blog, Tara Getting Married. It has lots of DIY wedding information!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Job Update

Yep. I made a great choice. :)

I really like my job. It's keeping me very busy, but there's no drama. I finished training yesterday. Today was my first day on my own. It went really well. No real problems. It's nice to work for someone who is laid back and not so completely high strung.

There's always something for me to do, but it's not really very stressful. I know that I don't have all of it down pat, but I think I'm doing pretty well for being at it for one week. Mandy, my trainer (and the woman whose place I took), will be back in on the 10th of the month to show me how to do the reconciliation and then again on the 18th to show me how to do billing (we only had one week for training and it didn't fall during either of the REALLY important parts of the month... haha). I don't think either of those will be terrible either.

And, I will have benefits (health insurance and 401K) starting on October 20th! How exciting! :D I've never had a job with benefits before.

Philip and I don't get to see a lot of each other, but we're surviving. At least with both of our jobs, the days seem to go by quickly. :) This week FLEW by. It's almost Friday already! And that means that I'll get to see Philip tomorrow night! Woo hoo! :) I plan on enjoying every second of that time (and the rest of my weekend). I hope all of you out there in blogger-land do so, too. :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

To All of the Negative Nancies Out There:

Stop being a pain in the bum. Life is short. Live it. Love it. Don't complain about it incessantly.

Don't get me wrong. Everyone has their down days. It's normal. I get down in the dumps and negative once in a while, too. But, every once in a while is different from every day. And, of course it's normal to be negative through a traumatic event. However, people who are just negative people really irritate me.

I'm sure that your life is not as bad as what you seem to think it is. I mean, I am incredibly happy. I love my life so much. It's incredible. I am happier than I've ever been. Everything has fallen into place since moving to Colorado. However, I know that if I really tried to be negative, I could be a Negative Nancy, too. Let's give that a try, shall we?

What is wrong with my life?
  1. I have had allergy problems for the time I've been in Colorado. It's kept me up many a night; coughing until I can barely talk because my throat is so raw.
  2. I won't get paid until August 6th. I am broke and the bills will probably just have to wait because I just don't have the money.
  3. I only see Philip on Saturdays because our work schedules are completely different. He goes in to work when I am coming home from work. So, I see him when he comes home at around 2-3am when I sleepily tell him that I love him. Then, I see him before I leave in the morning. He sleepily tells me he loves me before I go to work.
  4. It's been incredibly hot. I hate the heat. I got sunburned this past weekend. I'll probably get skin cancer.
  5. The house we are renting required a LOT of yard work. Philip and I spent hours weeding and cleaning up the yard. It was hard work; especially since it has been so hot.
  6. The job that I got is in property management. I've never worked in the field, so it's probably going to be a lot of work to learn all the new things.
  7. I have had to switch from a night schedule to a day schedule because of my new job. I hate to be on a day schedule; I am a night person.
  8. My dogs are sad that I have had to go back to work. I didn't get to live with them for several months, and now I only see them in the evenings.
  9. The zombie apocalypse is coming. We are all doomed. (Related: I have Macaroni & Cheese... yeah, I know... not the best weapon.)
Now, let us go through and see the positive.
  1. Yep, I've got allergies. However, I was able to go to the doctor for $45.00. She gave me lots of samples and I have my allergies under control. She said this year was a bad year for most people, so hopefully, I will not have any problems once my body adjusts (that's what happened when I moved to NC... I had allergies, but then I got used to the cooties and didn't have any problems after my first year).
  2. It is sad that I won't get paid until August 6th, but luckily, I have a wonderful boyfriend who will help me get through until then. And, my kitchen is stocked and most of my bills aren't due until after that point anyway. :)
  3. This is the one that is hardest to be positive about. I really do miss Philip. Our schedules are awful. However, I still do get to see him on Saturdays. And, they are wonderful Saturdays. :) Also, it should be less than a month and then Philip will have Fridays off again. So, then we will be able to spend Friday evenings together, too. :) Also, I have a job! How is that not good news?!
  4. This one makes me laugh. I was just being dramatic. I do hate the heat, but the heat in Colorado is not unbearable. It's a dry heat. It is a thousand times more bearable than North Carolina. I love it! :) However, I still can't wait for autumn and winter! I did get sunburned, but not badly. Philip got burnt worse. But, he's a tough cookie. I'm sure he'll be fine. Besides, it just means that I rub him down with lotion; where's the negative there? ;)
  5. That was no lie. It was a lot of work. But, it was incredibly rewarding. I feel like we have accomplished something. And, it also makes it feel more like home since we've done a lot of work on it ourselves. :) Also, I'm just glad that it hasn't been humid so that we could be outside in the heat without feeling like dying.
  6. The job is new to me. I know how to do probably 60% of the job. But, the 40% that I don't know how to do is just an adventure. I love a good challenge. I probably won't have to worry about being bored for a long time. That is a wonderful thing! And, it's a new experience; something else to add to my list of skills. :)
  7. I really do not like having to be a normal "day-person." I love the night. But, I have found a good job with benefits (after 90 days), and it's something that I think I'm going to like. It is a job that will help me benefit our household. And, it's motivating me to get even more stuff done. :)
  8. It does make me sad that they are sad. However, I am just thrilled that I get to spend every day with them. I missed them so much while they were gone. Now, I get to come home to them every day, and I get to sleep with them every night. It is a wonderful thing. :)
  9. Ummm... yeah, I'm not really sure how to turn that into a positive. We are all screwed. lol Wait! I've got it. I can learn new skills! Zombie killing skills! haha... yeah, that's it! And, ummm... I will get to learn how to wield strange and interesting new weapons. :) It's a real test of character. hahahaha I love my life.
So, as one can see, anything could really be a positive if you choose to see that side of it. So, please, Negative Nancies, take the time to appreciate what you've got instead of complaining about how your life is just awful. I'm sure you've got plenty of goodness in your life. So, live it and love it. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I had my first day of work with Dunn & Associates, Inc. today. It went really well. It was mostly spent cutting checks. I am used to that. I've used QuickBooks a lot.

I've had a bunch of people ask me what exactly I'll be doing. I am an executive assistant for a property management firm. I'll be doing accounts receivable, accounts payable, basic receptionist duties, other administrative tasks, and keeping up with work orders and such to keep the properties up to snuff for the tenants. :)

I haven't worked in property management before, so I do have a lot to learn, but I think that I am really going to like it. I think it will keep me very busy. And that is a VERY good thing. I hate to be bored. If I get bored at work, I start to dislike my job. I like to stay busy. And, I think this job will give me that. Plus, my boss seems very nice and it seems like a laid back office.

I am really excited about it. I am really feeling right at home here in Colorado. I love it. I can go outside, even when it's hot. There isn't the humidity like in North Carolina. The people here are really nice. We have a wonderful home. And, the dogs love it here, too. And, I've found a job that I think I'm going to like. Life is truly wonderful. :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Good News! :D

Yesterday, I had an interview. It went very well. This morning, I got a call from the company. They offered me the job! :D I immediately accepted.

I liked the feel of the company yesterday. I think it's something that I could enjoy. It's small and my boss seems like a nice guy. :) I'll be working about 35 hours per week. I will have a comfortable pay range to start at, and in 90 days, I will have benefits! For the first time EVER!! :D I will have health, dental, and life insurance as well as 401K. I'm ecstatic! It is a good day.

So, today, I went into the office and filled out all the necessary paperwork. Then, I went and took the drug test. I hate drug testing. Not the idea of it. I don't really care. I've never done any drugs in my entire life (If you think about it, how could I? I am terrified of needles; smoking makes me sick; and I avoid taking pills unless it's absolutely necessary. I suppose I could snort whatever kind of drug people snort - haha - but that just doesn't sound pleasant. And, beyond that, I don't really want to be high. I'm high on life already -- :D).

I just hate having to pee in that cup. I'm a girl. It's not exactly simple for me to do. I am never sure if I should sit and try to hold the cup under me or if I should hover or some other way. It's just very strange for me. So, then I decide on a plan and then I can't do it. haha... even if I have to go, my bladder just refuses. I have to take deep breaths and remind my bladder that it doesn't have a choice. HAHA ;)

Anyway, I did finally pee in the cup. I haven't heard the results yet, but I think it's fair to say that I'm clean. :) I start tomorrow morning at 9 AM. I am excited, but nervous. It's been a while since I've had a job, but I know that I can do this job.

I think I did pretty well on this job search. I searched from Sunday to Friday. Got a call on Friday. Interviewed on Tuesday. Got a call back. Interviewed again on Wednesday. Made it to second choice. Back to the drawing board. Search some more for jobs Wednesday to Friday and then again on Sunday. Get a call on Monday. Interview on Tuesday. Get job offer on Wednesday. I think it was pretty quick. I am very lucky. :)

Now I just need to get my schedule back to normal. I've been on Philip's schedule since October of last year (he works nights). When I got the job offer this morning at 8, I had to get up and go into work. On about 3.5 hours of sleep. :S But, hopefully that means that I will sleep great tonight (I am exhausted!) and can wake up refreshed and ready for work tomorrow. Wish me luck! :D

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another interview tomorrow

Yep. I have another interview tomorrow. So far, this job search is going pretty well. I've had more bites than what I thought I would. A few got the immediate "No" because they were too far away, but I have had a few promising bites. I really wish that last interview would have panned out; it seemed perfect. However, I'm holding out hope that there is something better.

The interview I have for tomorrow is in Denver. I would have preferred something a little closer, but I'm used to the long drive to work, so it won't kill me. I just have my fingers crossed that it goes well. The job is as an executive administrative assistant. I've done it before. And, if I'm working for a company that I like, I really enjoy the job.

I've done a little searching on the website, and I think it's something that I could enjoy. I will know more tomorrow when I do the actual interview. I spoke with the interviewer on the phone and he seemed very pleasant, so I think it will be a good interview.

The job is only 35 hours per week. I'm not sure what the pay or benefits are for this job, but I'm up for whatever they want to throw at me, so we'll see. Wish me luck! :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Bad Day...

Most days, I am an optimist. I love the world. I am happy.

Today is not one of those days. Don't get me wrong. My life? It's wonderful. I'm in love with a wonderful man. He's perfect. I have a fabulous family. I have awesome friends. Besides my job search, my life is pretty flipping spectacular.

So, what's got me down? People.

Why do people insist on hurting each other? Why are people dishonest? I just don't get it. Just love one another. Care about your fellow human beings. Tell the truth. It's going to hurt a lot less in the long run.

Why don't people know how to have healthy relationships? Be honest with each other. Even if you think it's going to hurt. It's going to be better in the long run; sooner or later, the other party will realize your lies and it's going to HURT.

Trust is the most important part of a relationship. Most people would say that it's love. They're wrong. I've loved all of the people that I've broken up with. However, I didn't trust them. That's the end.

If you can't trust your partner, there isn't a relationship. You should be able to trust the person you spend most of your time and energy on. If you can't trust your partner, they aren't really your partner anymore, are they?

What's the worst hurt you've ever felt? Most likely, it's when someone you truly care about has broken your trust. Why inflict that on other people?

People should just learn to be honest and to love one another. The world would be a better place. And the divorce rate would be a lot lower.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

No dice :(

Well, my interview went really well. I got called back for a second interview. That one went even better. Still, no dice. I came up a little short. I was their second pick. The woman they chose had more a/p and a/r experience than I did. Oh, well. They said they'd hold onto my resume and if this woman didn't work out, they'd give me a call.

I'm not holding my breath. I was depressed for a while, but then I applied to a gazillion more jobs today. Last week, I applied to be a state trooper. I won't find out for a long time about that one, but I thought it sounded really cool. I think it's something that I'd actually like. I could have a job that I would like, a job that would still pay me a decent wage, and a job where I'd actually be making a difference. How cool would that be? Super cool. :)

Today, I mostly applied to office jobs... it's what I have experience in. However, I did apply to something that I don't have any experience in. A Correctional Officer at a prison. I was pretty psyched when I saw it. I applied immediately. Again, how cool would that be? I'm not sure which job would be cooler. My mom would probably flip a gasket if I got that job though. Dealing with criminals every day. But, seriously, a person could actually make a difference working in a prison.

Eh, I will just have to wait and see what happens. Wish me luck. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Life update! :)

I HAVE AN INTERVIEW TOMORROW! XD I am excited... but very nervous. It has been a very long time since I've had to do a job interview. However, I'm normally very good at interviews though, so I'm sure everything will be fine. :) It's an admin position with a small company in Henderson. It's not very far away from home. I've been applying to positions I've found on Craigslist. It was less than a week (they called on Friday) of applying before I got a callback, so that's a pretty good sign, right? :)

Also, I went to the doctor on Thursday for my cough. The doctor is convinced that it is just allergies. So, I'm on Singulair for now. It definitely helps. My cough is not nearly as severe. I only cough every now and then and my throat is feeling much better (it was sore from the cough). The doctor visit was only $45.00. Without insurance. And, she gave me a bunch of samples to take home. And, I didn't have an appointment, but I still only had to wait about 10-15 minutes. Normally, even when I have an appointment, it takes at least half an hour! I just went to the small clinic here in Keenesburg. You can bet that I won't be going anywhere else now! :)

I love Colorado. I love our house. I love the people. I love living with our dogs. I just love everything. I am so happy. It's disgusting. ;)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Make-out Songs...

During one of my many travels in the past few months, I was driving down the interstate while listening to the radio. It was a country station. The DJ promised to play the "best make-out song ever." I started thinking about what song it could be. I was limited since I knew it was a country station. A few songs went through my mind, but it definitely wasn't what he played. Guess what he picked.

I Will Always Love You by Dolly Parton

Seriously? Does anyone want to make out to that song? I don't. I mean, I don't really do a lot of making out these days, but in my teenage years, if there was music playing while I was making out, it would have been something harder. Not some mushy, slow, Dolly Parton song.

I remember some rock songs and some R&B. Always upbeat. Something that sounds passionate and sexy. Something with a beat. Not I Will Always Love You.

Am I wrong? Do people really make out to songs like that? What songs did/do you make out to? ;)

Size doesn't matter...

Something has been bothering me for quite some time. And, I've wanted to blog about it for a while, but I haven't been able to find the right words. I'm hoping I've found them now, but if not, oh, well. It needs to be said.

People should wear clothing that actually fits. That number on the tag at the back of your shirt? Yeah, it doesn't really matter. If you are a size 6, but you want to be thinner so you wear a size 2, it's not going to work out. You're going to look bigger/worse than if you'd just worn the size 6. If you wear clothing in sizes too small for you, every ounce of fat is going to pour out over the edges. And that is not a good thing.

You're going to look your best in what actually fits you. Even someone who is teeny-tiny is going to look chubby if they wear clothes that are too small. The clothes are going to squish you until they find whatever fat you are hiding and then expose it to the world. And it's not going to be pretty.

People should wear clothes that are going to flatter their bodies, not make them look fatter. I'm a small girl, but that doesn't mean I can get away with wearing skin tight shirts over skin tight pants. Those pants are going to squish my stomach up and it's going to look like I have belly rolls and that skin tight shirt is just going to make that normally non-existent belly roll even more noticeable. Does that sound attractive to you? I didn't think so.

So, I stick to wearing clothes that actually fit me. I know that number doesn't actually matter; because that's all it is: a number. I mean, what's the number really mean? If someone weighs 140 pounds, don't they still weigh 140 pounds whether they wear a size 8 or a size 6? YES! THEY DO! So, what difference does it make? Especially when the smaller size is going to make you look worse? It makes absolutely no sense to me.

I will wear the clothes that I am comfortable in and the clothes that make me look as good as I know I should. And I will ignore whatever number is on that little tag.

I may not have found the best words for this, but I really just wanted it out there. So, there it is! :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Still here...

Hello, all. I am still alive. It's just been an incredibly busy month. I spent a week packing everything we own. It was a lot more than I expected it to be. We filled an entire 16' Penske truck, my car, and Philip's car. And then the dogs rode in my parent's truck. It was insane. I have no idea how we fit most of that stuff in our little apartment. We did have our Halloween stuff in storage, but that was about it. Where did the other stuff come from?? :S

Then, we had our going away party. It was pretty fun. Not everyone came, but we weren't surprised. The really important people were there. :)

Then, we drove to Pennsylvania to visit with Philip's family. We spent about 10 days there and it was a wonderful time. He has a great family. I actually like my future in-laws. :) First we went to Lancaster County where we visited his mom, stepdad, nanny, pappy, and other relatives on his mom's side of the family. We were there from Sunday night until Friday afternoon. Then, we drove to his dad's house. His dad and stepmom are wonderful people. I can see a lot of Budd (Philip's dad) in Philip. :)

However, his dad and stepmom are heavy smokers. I was fine while we were there, but when we left on Sunday to stay with his Grammy and Poppy, I developed a cough that I have not been able to shake. It's not that bad, but it wakes me up at night and Philip keeps threatening to take me to the doctor. I'm sure it will go away eventually. It's gradually getting better. :)

His Grammy and Poppy are wonderful. His grammy can COOK. She is amazing. I think Philip gained 10 pounds while we were there. I have a little more restraint, but I know I added a little extra padding, too! ;) We had a very relaxing time while we were there. We read, played games, played croquet (it was my first time), and ate a lot. :) It's a good thing it was relaxing, because we needed it for the days to come.

We drove back to Charlotte on Wednesday night. It took us about 10.5-11 hours to get home. We each slept for maybe 2 hours in the car and then for maybe 2 hours when we got home. Then we got up, went to pick up the Penske, and started loading the truck. It was INCREDIBLY hot and humid. And miserable. For the first few hours, it was just Philip and I. Then Brandon came home and helped for a little while. Then, for the last little bit, we had Joe to help us. I told Philip that once we get settled in Colorado, we definitely need to find more reliable friends.

We went to dinner with a few friends that night and then slept for a few hours. My cough was the worst that night. I blame it on having to sleep on the floor in the dusty apartment (after moving everything around). We each only got a few hours of sleep because I kept us both up. We got a late start because we had to try to clean up some before we left and then get the last of our stuff in the truck. It was more than we thought it was. Then, we got on the road. Finally. :)

We spent two days driving out here. We stayed overnight in St. Louis the first night. However, it took us over 15 hours to get there. It was miserable. Lots of traffic and the Penske truck can only go so fast up the mountains and around the curves. But, we made it. :)

The following morning, my parents met us at the hotel (they live in Northern Indiana). We went to breakfast and then set off on our journey. It took us about 12 hours to get from St. Louis to Denver when we went there for vacation in May. This time, it took us about 17 hours. D: It was incredibly frustrating. My parent's truck broke down while we were still in Missouri. Luckily, we found a mechanic when we stopped at an auto parts store and he was able to get it fixed, but it was still a hassle and added a few hours to the trip.

Then, we hit a storm in Kansas. An all out hell-storm. I have never seen so much lightning during a storm. It was scary. And I like storms. By this time, it was dark and my mom doesn't like to drive in the dark, let alone driving in a storm in the dark. So, we had to go much slower than the last time. And, instead of stopping every 300-400 miles, we had to stop every 150-200 miles. The Penske did not get very good gas mileage. So, the trip lasted FOREVER. But, we finally made it home. :)

And, when we walked in the door, the first thing we saw was that our kitchen floor was flooded. >:( I was not a happy camper. My dad took a look and saw that it was just a leak under the sink. He did what he could for that night and then we put a bucket under the leak. We cleaned up the kitchen, unpacked what we needed for the night, and went to bed!

It was another rough night with the coughing, but I managed to get some sleep. The next morning, we unloaded the whole truck. My parents and my sister were an amazing help! It was wonderful. Then we started unpacking and showing off our new house. :)

We had a week of my parents and sister being here, but those stories are just going to have to wait until next time, because this blog is definitely long enough. Just know that we've had no more problems with the house and we are incredibly happy to be home. And, it truly is. We have definitely found our home in teeny-tiny Keenesburg, Colorado. :)