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Friday, April 20, 2012

My lovely little chickies...

Wanna see what's stealing my heart lately?  

These beauties were born on April 1st.  This photo was taken on April 5th.  We actually go them on April 4th.  Since then, they've grown like weeds.  They've got a bunch of their feathers in and they're a lot bigger.  

These photos were taken on April 16/17th.  The last one is little Jack in checking them out.  He's fascinated by them.  They spend their nights in a box with a light over them, but during the day, Philip and I try to get them out and let them run around in this kiddie pool of ours.  They love scratching in the hay and looking for food.  They're adorable.  :)

The two little black ones are mine.  The other ones are my sister's.  Mine are Black Australorps.  Hers are Reds and Isa Browns.  Hopefully they'll grow up to lay lots of eggs.  Mine are named Ida and Georgia.  :)

And this is what they look like as of tonight:

You can see a few more little ones.  They're new ones my sister bought.  I'm not sure what they are.  Cute though!  I'm so happy to have chickies again! 

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