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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Kindle...

This Kindle is freakin' sweet! I've downloaded The Count of Monte Christo and Chocolat and have begun reading both. At the same time. Well, not at the same time since that would be nearly impossible, but I'm reading both of them. Which one I read depends on my mood at the time I pick up the Kindle.

If any of you love to read (which I do), I definitely recommend getting this gadget! It's awesome. The Kindle itself is a bit pricey, but I can get cheap books (which I love) and have them sent to me where ever I am! I LOVE it. :) If I get bored with one for the moment or I don't feel like reading that type of book, I can just switch and I don't even have to move! I don't have to drag multiple books around with me. And if I finish up one, I can have another one instantly at my fingertips! It's book lover heaven.

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