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Thursday, December 17, 2009


You'd think that I'd update more, since I have loads of time on my hands... because I'm still unemployed... but, I don't. Probably because, I don't actually have a lot going on right now. But, for those of you who are interested, here's what actually IS going on in my life:

1. Thanksgiving was awesome. I made a delicious meal and I got to meet Philip's mom and stepdad. They're pretty cool people. :)

2. I went Black Friday shopping for the first time this year. I had a great time! We got a lot of really good deals and got a big chunk of our shopping done. :)

3. Shopping. Oh, shopping. I've done so much shopping recently. I have my family (mom, dad, sister, aunt, cousin, etc.), Philip's family (mom, stepdad, dad, stepmom, grandma, grandpa, nanny, pappy, aunt, uncle, cousins, etc.), friends, and Philip. Phew. It can be exhausting! Mostly because since I am unemployed, I have to really find the DEALS. haha... and boy have I! I get paid on Monday and I'm broke by Tuesday, but this Christmas is totally worth it. I'm pretty proud of what I've got to show for it. I'm really excited for my mom and dad's "big" present. I'm not going to say what it is on here, just in case my mom actually reads my blog... but, it's AWESOME! And, they're going to love it. :)

Philip actually gets three "big" presents because we are have 3 or 4 Christmas gatherings. One of them I ordered on eBay. I got an absolutely AMAZING deal on the gift, but it didn't arrive in time for him to open it at our first Christmas gathering in Pennsylvania tomorrow. I'm really upset about it. It was supposed to arrive before now. Oh, well. I'm just switching the presents for Indiana and Pennsylvania because the present should be here in time for actual Christmas in Indiana. :) Since I know Philip never actually reads this, I'll go ahead and say what it is. It's a Sopranos Complete Series Gift Set. He has wanted one for a while. It's normally REALLY effing expensive, but I got it for less than a quarter of what it would have cost at Best Buy. :)

I also got a great deal on his other present. I ordered it on Amazon when they had a Christmas deal going on... over 40% off, baby! :) I also have a free trial of Amazon Prime (I highly recommend this if you buy from Amazon frequently!), so I got it in 2 days with FREE upgrade to UPS 2nd Day Air. :) It's a D-Rex Interactive Dinosaur. If you haven't seen this, you definitely need see it. It's pretty cool. Philip really wants one. He mostly wants to scare Jack with it... you're really surprised about that, right? lol

And, finally, I am getting him a road trip. hahaha... we're taking a road trip to Fort Wayne, Indiana at the end of January. It's for a concert. Three of Philip's favorite bands are playing: Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, and Flyleaf. I'm also a fan of all three. Plus, we can stay at my parents for free while we're there and we can see my puppies for a while. :) I really miss them a lot.

I also got him some smaller presents as well. It's going to be an awesome Christmas. :)

4. As I said, tomorrow, we are headed to PA to visit his mom's side of the family. We were in PA visiting his dad's side of the family just over a month ago. It was nice. :) And then, we'll be in Indiana for actual Christmas. And, we're having 2 Christmas parties with friends. One will probably be before Christmas and one will be on January 2nd. Phew. I'm going to be Christmas-ed out! :)

5. I will be in Indiana this year for my parent's New Year's Eve partay. :D I'm pretty excited. I haven't been able to go since high school!

I think that about sums everything up for now. Any questions?

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