You can also check out my wedding blog, Tara Getting Married. It has lots of DIY wedding information!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wedding Updates!

Hello to all. I have not been able to blog as much as I would like recently. As I have said before, wedding planning takes up a lot of time. I have no idea how some couples do this in such a short amount of time. I would be pulling my hair out!

I have hopefully found a venue. I am SUPER excited about it. I have not received the final okay on it yet (from the venue), but I am keeping my fingers crossed (you can too!). It is Chickies Rock Park in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It is absolutely beautiful.
Am I right or am I right?? It's gorgeous. And, it's incredibly convenient. It's right in Lancaster (where many of Philip's family lives). There are hotels, bars, restaurants, etc., right in the area. I fell in love with it immediately. I think it will be perfect! :)

Also, for convenience sake, Philip and I will be getting legally married on September 24, 2010... a full year before our real wedding ceremony. In Colorado, it is incredibly easy and convenient to get married. It will mean that we will get some excellent tax breaks which will allow us to pay for the real wedding. :) And, that means I can be added to Philip's insurance sooner. We do not want to take away from our actual ceremony with friends and family, so we are not going to exchange rings and I will not be changing my name yet. We are just doing the legal part. But, we are doing it on the same day as our wedding so that there will never be any question as to the date of our anniversary. :)

I am really excited about doing this because it means we can have whoever we want do our actual ceremony in Pennsylvania (since the ceremony does not have to be legal)... so, we can have a friend or relative do the ceremony. I think it would be more meaningful that way. So, any friends interested in performing our wedding ceremony, please let us know! I already have some ideas for it. And, I'm really excited! :D

I think that's about all for now. We have decided some other details, but I don't want to give it all away... it'd be nice for there to be some surprises at our wedding! :)

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