You can also check out my wedding blog, Tara Getting Married. It has lots of DIY wedding information!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Possible change of scenery...

Philip has been with Sysco for over 6 years. Lately, he's been wanting a change. Not a change of company but a change of position: a promotion.

He deserves it. He works hard and is very responsible. Only one problem: there aren't any available supervisor positions in Denver.

Philip and I discussed it and decided that we'd be willing to move if a supervisor position came available elsewhere in the U.S.  So, we began our search online. After a few days, we struck gold.

The Chicago Sysco is looking for a night warehouse supervisor. We sent in Philip's resume on Tuesday (I'm the resume queen). He was contacted for a phone interview on Thursday. That went well and then they wanted an in person interview. Philip drove to Indiana Sunday night (dropping off wedding stuff and the pups -- my parents are pup-sitting while we're on our honeymoon). Today, he has his interview in Chicago.

It looks like he has a pretty good chance. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed. And if all goes well, we will be moving back to the Midwest. It would be a lot of work and we'd struggle for a while, but it would be worth it. It is what Philip wants and deserves. And I'd definitely enjoy living closer to my family! Keep your fingers crossed for us.  :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


It's a sad day.  Today, it was announced that Peyton Manning won't be starting with the Colts in their first game.  I've been in denial for weeks now; just hoping for the best.  It's a heartbreaking announcement.  Hopefully he'll be back on the field soon.  

In the mean time, at least my Yankees are doing fantastically well.  They've won the last 9 out of 10 games.  They're first in the AL and second overall (AL and NL) to only the Phillies.  We're playing a day game today against the Orioles and hopefully A.J. Burnett can hold it together to pull out a win today.  ** Fingers Crossed **   :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Saggy Pants a Terrorist Threat?

I will admit, I do not like when guys wear saggy pants.  I don't want to see their underpants (or worse, their behinds).  However, I don't think that they are a threat to air safety.

If you haven't heard, Billie Joe Armstrong, Green Day front man, was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight because of his saggy pants.  He reportedly asked, "Don't you have anything better to worry about?" or something of the sort.  I'm of a mind with Billie.  Seriously?  That's the biggest issue you have on this flight?  Then drop it.  I mean, the guy is going to be sitting the whole time so are you even going to see anything?  

After all, if he wants to look ridiculous, I think that's his problem.  It's not affecting the flight in any way!  I've certainly seen people wear worse than baggy pants on a plane.  I don't think the flight attendant has any right to say what people can or cannot wear (unless it's blatantly obscene -- which I have seen with no consequences.  I've seen a woman board a plane wearing a see-through shirt.  I think that's far more offensive than a pair of baggy pants.).  

I think the airline industry is all just a bunch of power hungry a-holes.  But, that's just my opinion.  ;)