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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Assisted Suicide

There was a story in the news recently about Sir Edward Downes. He was a famous orchestra conductor. He was going blind and deaf. His wife of 54 years was dying of cancer. So, they decided to commit suicide together. They flew to Zurich where there is an assisted suicide clinic and died together with their dignity still in tact.

A lot of people don't believe in suicide. They think it's morally wrong. I am opposed to killing, unless it's done in self defense (and even then, I prefer it as only a last resort). I believe this because I think it's wrong to take someone else's life away. However, if someone wants to take their own life, I think they should be able to. Don't get me wrong. I am not supporting suicide. I want people to get help for their problems and be at peace. What I am saying is, your life is yours to do what you wish. If you wish to end your life, you should have that choice.

I especially believe this to be true for the sick or elderly. If I have some awful disease which causes me unending pain or causes me to lose my dignity, I will want the option of ending my own life. And, I would prefer that there be an easy option. People shouldn't have to turn to shooting themselves or slitting their own wrists. Assisted suicide helps people go out on their own terms. With a little bit of dignity. And it's much easier to deal with. It's in a controlled environment under the supervision of a licensed professional.

I mean, for crying out loud, women can terminate the life growing inside of them, but people aren't allowed to take their own lives?? What sort of logic is that? We even kill our death row inmates in a humane manner (I do not agree with the death penalty, but at least they're going out with some dignity in a humane manner). And our pets; we take them to a vet and have them "put to sleep" when they are no longer able to live full and happy lives. But, we cannot extend this courtesy to our fellow men and women??

It just doesn't make sense to me. If I want to kill myself, I should be able to do so. If I need help, I should be able to ask for it. And the people I ask to help should not be persecuted for it. It's my life. I should be able to go out on my own terms; with dignity and peace. I hope that, should I ever feel the need to end my life, I will not have to go all the way to Switzerland to do so.

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