You can also check out my wedding blog, Tara Getting Married. It has lots of DIY wedding information!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rebellion in the air!

Am I the only person excited about all of the rebellion in the air?  I love it.  This is a major turning point in world history!  And it's all so contagious.   Look at how quickly it's spreading in the Middle East:

Factbox: Protests in Middle East and North Africa

China has protests going on (even if they haven't been entirely successful so far).  The spirit of rebellion has even reached North Korea!  How exciting is that??

We've even got some protests going on here in the good ol' U.S. of A.  

Whether you agree with it or not, isn't it refreshing to see people at least standing up for what they believe in?  I was getting tired of living in a nation filled with SHEEP just following along.  I am so excited to see people getting worked up and actually doing something.  I love it!  This is why we live in the U.S.A. people!  Stand up for what you believe in!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


As I was driving to work this morning, I kept flipping through the radio stations.  All I kept hearing about was Lindsay Lohan's latest court appearance and Charlie Sheen's problems.  I really do want both of them to get the help they need, but really??  Aren't there about a billion other things going on in the world that are more important right now??

Just to name a few:

Budget Cuts (Nascar is important but affordable birth control is not)

Ahhhhh!  That's just the tip of the iceberg of some of the crazy stuff going on in the world right now.  So, why is Lindsay Lohan making headlines before this stuff???

Monday, February 21, 2011


I am pro-life.  A lot of my more liberal friends may have a heart attack at that statement.  However, I mean it differently than most.  I am a vegetarian.  I am against the death penalty.  I am also against abortion. 

However, this doesn't mean that I want to murder abortion providers and allow mothers to die in order to make sure their fetus lives.  
In all things, I feel that killing in self-defense (or the defense of others) is forgivable.  So, if the mother's life is in danger, abortion is an acceptable (albeit sad) action.  Any mother would be heartbroken to destroy the life inside of her, but it would also be heart-wrenching to face one's own death and the child's life without the mother.

In the case of rape, I do not know how anyone could judge someone who wanted an abortion.  Can anyone imagine having to re-live that night for every day of the rest of their lives?  That child is going to be a constant reminder.  And, that's not going to be fair to that child because the mother will end up resenting him or her.  
In the case of simple birth control, I do not understand so much.  I feel that women should be responsible and use preventative methods.  However, I have not been in those other women's shoes so it is hard for me to judge them.  I cannot imagine a situation where I would be comfortable with abortion, but I also know that I have been very fortunate.  

I am terrified for Planned Parenthood.  As someone who is personally opposed to abortion, I can sort of understand the extremists' want to prevent abortions.  However, I think that getting rid of PP is not the answer.  In fact, without access to affordable care and contraceptives, the abortion rate is only going to rise.  How is that helpful?  

As someone who has been without healthcare from high school until just a few short months ago, I understand the need for women to be able to have affordable options.  People just are not going to stop having sex.  It's not going to happen.  So, there need to be affordable options to prevent pregnancy (and disease).  Simply ignoring the problem is not going to make it go away.

One of my bigger problems with typical pro-lifers is that the only alternative they offer up is adoption.  So, you either have to suck it up and raise the child (knowing that it's not likely that you will be able to afford the things that your child needs -- and struggle to find help.  Isn't it weird that the same people who want women to have children they can't afford are the very people who do not want to give them government support?) or put it up for adoption and hope for the best.  However, how many pro-lifers end up adopting?  People want to offer it as an option, but aren't really willing to adopt children themselves.  
Yes, I am pro-life.  Yes, I would love a world where abortion was unnecessary.  However, that is never going to happen since we keep taking away the options women have for birth control.  It's also unrealistic when there aren't enough people willing to adopt.  I will continue to dream of that perfect day, but it's not going to happen until people are willing to give realistic options. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My V-day Protest

Valentine's Day is officially over.  Thank goodness.  It's a ridiculous "holiday."  People buy flowers, candy, jewelry, or expensive dinners for their significant others.  But why?

Saint Valentine's day was a Catholic holiday celebrating Christian Martyrs.  There's nothing romantic about a bunch of old dead white guys.  

A lot of people assume that I don't celebrate the day because of bad memories or for being jilted on the holiday in the past.  Not true.  I haven't been single on V-day since I was in the seventh grade.  In fact, the last time I celebrated V-day (when I was in college -- 19 years old), it was a perfectly magical night.  It was a double date.  There was a fantastic meal and gifts and I had a great time.  

It's just that when I actually stopped to think about the day, it didn't make any sense.  I love my partner every day of the year.  I don't need to give or receive meaningless gifts on some random day out of the year in order to prove my love for my partner (or for them to prove their love to me). 

And, I just felt bad for my single friends.  The day just singled them out.  It was like pouring salt in the wound of their alone-ness (if they did not want to be alone).  

I'm sure the dead white guys wouldn't care if I gave my partner chocolates to celebrate their death.  It makes no sense to me.  So, I don't celebrate it.  End of story. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Bucket List

I recently added something new to my bucket list.  I want to learn to drive a motorcycle.  It's kind of terrifying, but so are some of my other list items.  Here they are (only the ones I have not yet completed):
  1. Ride an ostrich
  2. Visit all 50 states.
  3. Go skydiving (face my fear of falling).
  4. Shake hands with a clown (face my fear of clowns).
  5. Hike a fourteener (face my fear of heights).  
  6. Fly in a hot air balloon (face my fear of heights).
  7. Give blood (face my fear of needles -- can't until 2012 b/c of my trip to Korea).
  8. When I have kids, natural childbirth.
  9. Homeschool my future children.
  10. Learn to ski.
  11. Visit Germany.
  12. Visit Australia.
  13. Visit Greece.
  14. Go on a safari.
  15. Visit Las Vegas.
  16. See the pyramids in Egypt.
  17. Go to the top of the Empire State Building.
  18. Own my own home.
  19. Read 100 books in 1 year (I've come so close!).
  20. Read the "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die."
  21. Learn to read Arabic.
  22. Become fluent in Spanish.
  23. Learn sign language.
  24. Run a 5k.
  25. Run a marathon.
  26. Learn to ice skate.
  27. Write a book.
  28. Have said book published.
  29. Take a cross country road trip.
  30. Learn to ballroom dance.
  31. Learn to play piano.
  32. Visit Costa Rica.
  33. Be a living organ donor.
  34. Take a cruise.
  35. Go snorkeling.
  36. See Aerosmith in concert.
  37. Witness a volcano eruption first-hand.
  38. Be in a mosh-pit at a concert.
  39. Learn to ride a motorcycle. 
It's not as long as some people's lists, but I already have a bunch crossed off of my list.  For example:
  • I learned to change my own oil.
  • I learned to drive a manual (as opposed to an automatic).
  • I visited Italy (and will be going back in September).
  • I graduated high school with honors.
  • I went away to college (over 700 miles away!).
  • I graduated college with honors.
  • I found my soulmate.
  • I have rescued animals (and helped others rescue them as well).
  • I became a vegetarian (3.5 years now!)
  • I went on a trip with just the clothes on my back (a 5 day trip to Chicago when I was living in Charlotte).
  • I've touched the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
  • I've been to the top of the Arch in St. Louis.
  • I've been to the top of the Sears Tower.
  • I've seen Michelangelo's David in person.
  • I've walked through the Coliseum in Rome.
  • I have been in North Korea (the DMZ).
  • I have quit a job that I despised.  
  • I have found a job in a terrible economy.
  • I moved to Colorado.
  • I played the slots at a casino (and lost).
  • I completed my honors thesis.
And, I am sure there are other things that I've completed that I can't even think of right now.   I'm pretty please with how my list is going.  Hopefully I still have many years to complete it!