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Monday, February 2, 2009

Ungrateful Hudson Crash Survivors...

As I was driving into Charlotte on Saturday morning, I was listening to the radio. I heard something very disheartening. They were discussing survivors of the Hudson plane crash who are now going to sue the airline.

Surely I cannot be the only person who is outraged by this. It's absolutely ridiculous!

The airline gave every passenger $5,000.00 to cover everything lost in the crash. That seems fair to me. I certainly never travel with more than a few hundred dollars worth of items. Maybe someone could file a complaint if they had an expensive camera or laptop or something of the sort. But I'm hearing $2 million dollars and $10 million dollar lawsuits. !!!

(U.S. Airways is also offering upgrades, etc. for all of the passengers on the plane as well, and people are upset because they think U.S. Airways is being stingy.)

Is this not insane?!?! The plane crashed because of birds getting caught in the engine. There was nothing that could have been done. That plane should have crashed into buildings or something in a city like New York, and thousands of people should have died. But that didn't happen. The pilot somehow managed to land in the Hudson River and didn't kill or hurt any bystanders AND somehow everyone ON the plane survived as well with only minor injuries! THIS IS A MIRACLE!!

And now people want to be greedy and find ways to suck U.S. Airways dry for something that couldn't have been helped?? I'm just completely outraged. It doesn't make any sense for me.

These people should be out celebrating that they are ALIVE instead of worrying about that damn blackberry that they lost in the crash or how much they can make of of this.

It makes me sick that there are people who would be so greedy and ungrateful. Their lives were spared and all they can think of is how to make a buck. It's disgusting.

Folks, take a look at the state of our world today. This is a fine example.

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