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Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Goal #1

I made a few new goals for myself recently. The first one is to read at least 100 books this year. This is how far I've gotten so far:
  1. The Host -- Stephenie Meyer
  2. Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust -- Immaculee Ilibagiza
  3. Coraline -- Neil Gaiman
  4. American Gods -- Neil Gaiman
  5. One For The Money -- Janet Evanovich
  6. Two For The Dough -- Janet Evanovich
  7. Three To Get Deadly -- Janet Evanovich
  8. Four To Score -- Janet Evanovich
  9. High Five -- Janet Evanovich
  10. Hot Six -- Janet Evanovich
  11. Seven Up -- Janet Evanovich
  12. Hard Eight -- Janet Evanovich
  13. Visions of Sugar Plums -- Janet Evanovich
  14. To The Nines -- Janet Evanovich
  15. Ten Big Ones -- Janet Evanovich
  16. Eleven On Top -- Janet Evanovich
  17. Twelve Sharp -- Janet Evanovich
  18. Plum Lovin' -- Janet Evanovich
  19. Lean Mean Thirteen -- Janet Evanovich
  20. Plum Lucky -- Janet Evanovich
  21. Fearless Fourteen -- Janet Evanovich
  22. Plum Spooky -- Janet Evanovich
  23. Death On The Nile -- Agatha Christie
I think that's all I've got so far. However, I was in a slump at the beginning of the year. 19 of those are from the past month. I'm on a roll now. :) However, I still have to read more than 2 books per week for the rest of the year. It's going to be tricky.

I'm starting the Harry Potter series today, so if it's as interesting as everyone says, I should catch up pretty quickly. Then, after I finish that series, I plan to read some classics that I never got to before. And that will probably slow me down a bit. :S I'll probably throw in some more Agatha Christie, and Finger Lickin' Fifteen by Janet Evanovich comes out in June. I also found a new book by Bart D. Ehrman called, Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And Why We Don't Know About Them). Sounds really cool, right? Plus, Ehrman is amazing! Also, I'm going to read some books that I never got around to about Process Theology. Also, some new Feminist Theology books have come out. I'll be a mighty busy lady. But that's A OK! :) If you have any other suggestions for what I should read, let me know. I'm trying to read a little bit of everything, so whatever you've got in mind, tell me!

I don't really feel like going into my other new goal just yet. I'll blog about it later. I'll give you a hint though... It's nothing you'd expect from me. ;)

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