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Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Unless you have been living under a rock for the past several months, you probably know that today was Election Day. I really think they should be honest and call it "Try to Pick the Lesser of Two Evils Day" but I guess that is probably too long of a name.

I've been weighing the choices for weeks now. I'm not affiliated with a party, so I do not just go in and vote straight party ticket. I'm independent... a moderate. :) I'm pro-life but pro-gay. I'm opposed to the death penalty and to big government. I'm all over the board. I'm me.

So, I have to really look at the candidates' positions. And then pretend that they actually feel the way they say they do... and that even if they did really feel that way, that they would let that affect their voting. Gah! I wish politicians weren't so slimy.

I am so sick of all of the political advertisements. I did a lot of fact checking and half of what they say about each other isn't even true. I just want real answers. I want to know what a candidate believes and what they are going to do in office. Is that really that much to ask?? Apparently so.

Today, I voted straight ticket Democrat. It hurt. I normally have some variance on my ballot. Not today. I really didn't want to vote for Bennett (Colorado Senate race), but Ken Buck scares me. He's a little too far out there on some things. I am pro-life. I would not get an abortion if I were raped or even if my life were at risk. It's just not what I believe in. However, I think that women should be able to decide on their own what to do in those situations (and only those situations... I believe that all other abortion should be illegal). Ken Buck pushes that issue a little too far (and could affect birth control... which would be TERRIBLE). So, I voted Bennett.

The other ones I don't feel as strongly about. I felt that the democratic candidates were slightly better, so I voted democrat. For the initiatives, I voted NO on all of them except for Amendment P (Bingo) and 102 (I think that all people should have to post bail/bond no matter what the crime). Pretty simple.

I voted when I got home from work. It was between 5 and 6. I live in a teeny-tiny town outside of Denver. I was pleasantly surprised to see so many people in line at the town hall... Especially for mid-term elections. I'm sure that most of them were not voting as I did (rural, farm town), but it's nice to see people getting involved. :)

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