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Friday, March 9, 2012

Will we recognize anyone?

The Colts announced today that they were cutting several other players, including Joseph Addai, Dallas Clark, Melvin Bullitt, and Gary Bracket.  It seems that Colts fans won't see any familiar faces on the field this year. 

It started with office staff.  Gone.  Then coaching staff.  Gone.  Then our hero, Peyton Manning.  Gone.  Then the rest of the team starts dropping like flies. 

I know that the Colts want to start fresh and young, but all these changes in the matter of 2 months is just depressing.  These people have played great football AND been active in the community.  They've been a team of players that fans could be proud of.  No sex scandals or poor sportsmanship.  They've been good role models for young Colts fans.  

So, the fact that they've been let go with a simple, "Hopefully the fans understand that to achieve the success again that we have had before, we have to make some tough decisions," is hard to swallow.  True Colts fans are not fair weather fans.  We stuck by our guys through 2011's downs and hoped for the best for this year. 

I know the Colts should want to win, but shouldn't we also show some gratitude and allegiance to the players who have helped be the awesome team we've been? 

I guess only time will tell what will happen with the Colts.  I continue to be a depressed and angry Colts fan.

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