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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Let ME Make Decisions About MY Body

I read this article earlier tonight and it thoroughly pissed me off.

Conservatives will bitch and complain about people on welfare having too many kids that the taxpayers will have to pay for, but then they'll also bitch about making taxpayers pay for birth control for women who can't afford it.  And then call us sluts for wanting support.

When I was 15 years old, I was prescribed birth control to regulate my period.  I was a virgin.  Was I slut for wanting to not have to have an unbearable period every other week?

Married women could still be impoverished and not able to afford birth control without health insurance.  Does that make them sluts?  Hell, I'm married and couldn't afford birth control without health insurance!

Why does wanting to have control over one's body make one a slut??

Even if someone does choose to have multiple sex partners, shouldn't they still have access to health care?

People ARE going to have sex.  It's the way we are.  Should we only allow wealthy people to have sex because they're the only ones who can afford birth control?

Should women with reproductive issues just have to suffer through simply because they cannot afford the hormones that will regulate their bodies?

It just fucking pisses me off to no end.

I have suffered with reproductive issues since puberty, and I have never been able afford birth control on my own.  All through college and even for several years after, I didn't have insurance and I couldn't afford birth control.  There were periods that I couldn't leave my bed or even vomited from the pain. It was absolutely miserable.

One little pill fixes that.  When I am on birth control, all of those problems go away.

I would happily have my tax dollars spent to help women like myself pay for birth control than on wars for no cause.

In fact, I would love for all conservative men who do not want tax money paying for birth control to endure just one week of living with my non-medicated uterus.  Or have to face the fact that they may end up becoming pregnant and have to give birth to a child who they could never afford to support.

Maybe then they'd be all right with sending a few of their tax dollars to support women in need.

I will NEVER support any politician who sees my desire to have some control over MY OWN BODY as me being a slut.  Even if I am truly a slut, they should mind their own damn business and help me prevent them from having to support my awful welfare babies.  See, it's win-win. 

Oh, and Rush can go fuck himself.

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