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Monday, December 6, 2010

"Top Exit Strategies from an Abusive Relationship with Your Government "

That is the title of an article I just read regarding the state of our government. The author, Simon Black, gives an alternative to those of us who are outraged by the way our government is turning in the wrong direction. He says that we should just leave.

I know some people will get a chuckle out of that. I didn't. Not because I think that Black is crazy, but because I've already thought of this alternative. It's something that I have seriously been considering recently.

It breaks my heart to think of moving to a new country. However, I also know that I will not raise my children in a police state where they will have no rights. I want my children to have opportunity and liberty... like I have been fortunate enough to have up to recent years.

I am hoping that things will settle down. I'm hoping that the country will come to its senses. I am hoping that the TSA will be shut down and that people will realize that journalism is not terrorism. I am hoping for the best with every fiber of my being.

However, I also know that with so many sheeple in this country, it isn't likely. I don't want to be here if the shit really hits the fan. It terrifies me that people do not see that the government is gradually moving towards a police state. The government is slowly adjusting and the sheeple are not outraged as they should be. I am terrified that one day I will wake up and all of my rights will be gone.

So, I honestly have considered where I would go should I need to find a new home. I've mostly considered South American countries, like Chile. I will further my investigations into residency possibilities should I feel that the situation is worsening... I really hope that it does not come to that. However, should it, I will look on the positive. I've always wanted to really learn a new language. That would certainly give me the opportunity. ;)

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