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Friday, February 10, 2012

It's that time of year again...

Pink and red everything is plastered over every inch of department stores.  Jewelry commercials suddenly multiply like rats.  I get the question, "So what are you and Philip doing for Valentine's Day?" repeatedly.  

And the look of shock (or even disgust -- and sometimes jealousy from my male friends) when I explain that Philip and I don't actually celebrate is, at times, hilarious.  I see no reason to celebrate Valentine's Day.  

I love Philip every day, and I show him every day (and ditto for him to me).  Besides, I don't wear much jewelry, I'm not a big chocolate eater, and I'd rather go out to eat when every other couple on the face of the planet isn't crowded into a restaurant.  

Valentine's Day has no significance to me.  It's supposed to be about Christian martyrs... nothing romantic about it.  So, I don't really understand how it's a romance holiday.  And, Philip and I already celebrate our anniversaries (dating and wedding), so we don't really need a day that doesn't mean anything to either of us to celebrate our love.  We'll just continue to love each other (and show it) each and every day of our lives together.  :) 

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