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Monday, November 17, 2008

The good, the bad, and the ugly of my weekend...

Joe and I got a lot accomplished. The house is relatively clean and organized finally. However, the wall that I was supposed to be repairing in the kitchen just will not work.

The cabinet people tore off some laminate that was the back-splash before. We were leaving it on the wall because it was glued on and the wall was damaged behind it. Well, of course, the people we hired can't do anything on their own, but when we want them to leave something alone, they don't ask and just do it themselves. They can't turn on a light because they didn't ask, but they can ruin the wall in my kitchen without asking. Their excuse for tearing it off? "We thought you wanted it torn off." Did we ever tell them that? No. Was there any reason for them to think we wanted it torn off? No. They're just stupid. And I better be getting a damn discount because now I have to have new wood or laminate put up there. I tried and tried to sand the glue off of the wall. I even bought an electric sander to try to sand it down. Nothing. I got a chisel and hammer. That worked-ish. It damaged the wall as much as it got the glue off. Zach is coming in to put in the new whatever hopefully today or tomorrow. It shouldn't be too expensive, but I know where I'll be sending that damn bill.

I thought that the countertops looked lighter than what they were supposed to. I figured that it was just because they looked different when there was a lot more of it together. Well, I found the sample in a box this weekend. It is definitely darker than what they put down for us. And that pisses me off. Can't these people get anything right?

At least we are just about finished. I'm done with all of this stupid crap even if it doesn't look right in the end. This has been absolutely ridiculous.

We paid a lot of money for tile that isn't right (the floors aren't even and the grout lines don't line up and it took FOREVER). We paid a lot of money for countertops that aren't right. We paid a lot of money for plumbing that isn't right. We paid a lot of money for electrical that isn't right (we paid Paul Kitchen to put in a vent fan in our bathroom. It doesn't work).

If I ever think about hiring someone to do remodeling work for me, someone please just knock the ever-loving shit out of me. I deserve it. I should NEVER forget this hellish experience.

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