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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Twilight Disaster...

Ugh. The movie was awful. Absolutely pitiful. I can't believe that so many people have talked about how good it was. It was a disaster.

The script was poor at best. It was like the screenwriter took a chainsaw to the actual book and then went around picking up scraps of it and gluing it to a new piece of paper. A lot of quotations from the book were in the movie, but they weren't in the right places and they sometimes weren't said by the right people. My favorite lines from the book were in the movie, but they were poorly placed and the lines were butchered. Lines that should have been beautiful seemed forced and uncomfortable.

The acting (if you can call it that) was absolutely awful. Robert Pattinson is no Edward. He looked uncomfortable throughout the whole movie. He just seemed scary and stalkerish instead of mysterious and intriguing. And, a lot of the other male actors were way hotter than Edward. James (the villain!) was way hotter. Even his brothers, Emmett and Jasper, were hotter than Edward.

Alice seemed ditzy rather than eccentric.

Jasper seemed constipated the entire movie.

Carlisle looked way too young and kind of creepy looking instead of dreamy.

Jacob looked way too pretty (like a girl). He's supposed to be ruggedly handsome, like Hugh Jackman. Not pretty in the way that Kate Hudson is pretty.

I came to terms with the way that Bella looked. I can deal with that. It wasn't the Bella that I wanted. Even with regard to her acting. I didn't like the way that Bella was portrayed. However, I think that she did the best job she could with the script that was given to her.

If I had to choose a mate from the movie, I totally would have picked Mike Newton. And that is completely inexcusable from the book standpoint. I thought that Michael Welch did an awesome job with Mike though.

The movie. It sucked. It lasted for 2 hours. Nothing really happened. There was no real show of how and why Bella and Edward fell in love.
  1. Bella moves to Forks.
  2. Edward seems to find her repulsive.
  3. He disappears for a week.
  4. He comes back and talks to her.
  5. He follows her to Port Angeles.
  6. They're in love.

That's it. One minute he finds her disgusting, the next minute they're inseparable. There is nothing to show how they feel for each other. They say they're in love, but that's the only way you'd know it. The whole thing is so forced and uncomfortable. It's awful.

There is a scene where Edward and Bella kiss for the first time. It's beautiful in the book (It is dangerous because he thirsts for her blood but he wants to control himself because he cares for her). The scene in the movie was horrible. It was very uncomfortable. People were laughing in the theater because it was so bad.

Also, the fight scene with Edward and James was not very believable. Edward can read James' mind. Therefore, the fight should not have been like that. James shouldn't have been able to hurt Edward at all. Edward can see what James is going to do before he does it. And he's also incredibly fast. This can be seen in Eclipse when Edward fights Victoria. So, that was really discouraging as well.

The movie was very disappointing. It was poorly acted, it had a piss-poor script, the plot was forced, and the special effects were bad. And it didn't do the book justice. :(

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