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Monday, August 8, 2011

Movie Reviews

Saturday night, Philip and I went to the drive in.  We saw Cowboys & Aliens and Captain America.  I was really excited because I've wanted to see Cowboys & Aliens for a long time.  I didn't care that much about Captain America but everyone I've talked to has raved about it.  

My thoughts on Cowboys & Aliens: Meh.

My thoughts on Captain America: Meh.

They were both okay but they just weren't all that I had hoped for.  


Cowboys & Aliens is about cowboys fighting some aliens (coulda got that from the title, right?).  Those of you who know me know that I love a good alien flick.  I'm a sucker.  Well, the aliens in this movie looked funky.  They reminded me of the Locust from Gears of War (wow.  I spend too much time watching Philip play video games!).  And, the movie was cheesey.  It didn't flow very well.  I was unimpressed.  Besides, why are the aliens after the gold??  WTF do they care about gold?  The other alien lady says something about the gold is as rare to them as it is to us.  What kind of explanation is that?  I mean, if there were life on Mars, I doubt we'd start a war over some rare mineral on Mars just because we could.  It just doesn't make sense to me.  

Captain America is about, well, Captain America.  It's about how he got his start.  Honestly, it was pretty decent, but it was a little too cheesey for me.  To be fair, I'm not a Captain America fan.  I did hate that the Cap just got one tiny kiss from Peggy before he has to go off and save the world.  He has to crash in order to save the world.  Right before he crashes into the Arctic, he makes a date with Peggy.  He crashes and then is frozen for 70 years.  So, he missed the date and the love of his life is dead.  What a great, cheerful way to end a movie, guys.  

Oh, well.  They weren't terrible movies, but they certainly weren't fantastic.  And that's my 2¢ worth.  

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