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Friday, March 25, 2011

My thoughts on Secret Life

As you all know, I love Netflix.  It's a dear friend of mine.  Well, a while back, Netflix recommended the show The Secret Life of the American Teenager.  So, I gave it a shot.  I thought it was an interesting concept, but I was kind of bored with it after a few episodes.  I kept up with it and it did get better.  Although, I'm still not convinced that it is in anyway realistic.  These are some freaky teenagers.  It's not at all like what my high school years were like.  And, it hasn't been THAT long since my high school years.  

Anyway, I'm on Volume 4 (which is -- I think -- the second part of season 2).  I'm tempted to stop watching because I do think it's ridiculous.  And, I also think that Amy Juergens (the teen mom) is irritating as hell.  I just watched the episode where she and Ben finally break up.  Dude.  If that guy actually existed, he'd be a saint.  I don't know why anyone would put up with a girl like that for so long.

I'm also considering stopping watching because the show is just irresponsible.  It's showing teens that it's okay to be in completely unhealthy relationships.  And, it's normal if you and your partner have absolutely no trust for each other.  Oh, and if you want to make your partner pay attention to you, the best option is to cheat on them.  They'll forgive you anyway.  

Oh, and sex?  It's completely normal to give it up when you're not ready.  Especially if you're doing it to make sure your boyfriend doesn't have sex with someone else.  Ahhhhh!  

I find myself disliking almost everyone on the show.  I think the only people I actually like are Leo Boykewitch and his fiancee, Betty.  And Betty is a former hooker.  This show is so messed up.  

Have you watched?  What did you think?

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