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Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I read something a week or so ago that said that some couples are too happy.  I wish I could remember where I read it so that I could link it up here.  Basically, the article said that couples who do not fight are destined to fail.  This is because they are avoiding confrontation and it's really unhealthy.  So, sooner or later, everything is going to blow up and the relationship will be over.

And, if you're not avoiding confrontation, the reason you don't fight is because your relationship is just boring.  And, eventually you're going to get tired of all the boredom and bail.  

The article said that optimally, you and your partner should fight about every other month.  This is what they considered a healthy amount of fighting.  

I have to disagree.  Philip and I have had one fight in the entire time that we have been together.  That was in December of 2009 after we'd been together for about 6 and a half months.  I was in Indiana spending New Years Eve with my family.  Philip was in North Carolina.  He was really sick with the flu.  He was really irritable and started a fight for no real reason other than he wanted me to be in North Carolina taking care of him.  The fight lasted all of about twenty-minutes (over the phone).  And then we made up and everything has been peachy-keen ever since.

I don't see anything wrong with this.  I'm not bored with Philip and he's not bored with me.  I think it's ridiculous to think that if we aren't fighting, then we will get bored with each other.  Because it's not like we have any other options for keeping our relationship interesting other than fighting.  GAH!  

Philip and I have a ton in common.  So, there isn't a whole lot to fight about.  I suppose we could fight over his work schedule.  He works nights and I work days.  So, if I were a normal person, I would see him for about 10 minutes a day Monday through Thursday.  

Well, I'm not normal.  Instead of fighting about it, I just switched my sleeping schedule so that I nap when I get home from work (about 4:30ish) and then I'm up for a few hours before Philip gets home. Then I spend a few hours with Philip before he goes to sleep.  I sleep for another hour or two and get up to get ready for work.  

I am generally a pretty positive person.  I may vent about something that is bothering me, but then I find a solution rather than dwelling on the negative.  Sure, the sleep schedule isn't ideal, but it's working great for us.  :)

I don't really see the purpose of fighting.  If I have a problem, I express it to Philip.  If Philip has a problem, he expresses it to me.  We figure out a solution and go from there.  Philip and I think alike, so we can see where each other is coming from.  Also, neither of us is hot-headed.  We can both address problems without blowing up about them.  

So, what is there that we should fight about that would make our relationship healthier?  I can't see anything.  I think the article was just ridiculous.  Fighting once every other month is just too much.  

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