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Monday, April 4, 2011

More radiation

I read an article today titled: Radioactive water from Japanese nuclear plant dumped into sea.  When I read the title, I'm sure that my jaw dropped.  Then I read the article.  I was even more shocked.
The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant began releasing about 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the sea Monday evening so that it could make room in storage tanks for even more severely contaminated water.
Some 10,000 tons of the water being released into the ocean was being taken from a communal storage facility near the No. 4 reactor. Another 1,500 tons was being released from the vicinity of the No. 5 and 6 reactors — which have been less troubled than reactors Nos. 1 through 4. The amount of water being released is equivalent to more than four Olympic-size swimming pools.
Although the water being released had levels of radioactive iodine 131 more than 100 times the legal limit allowed for sea discharge, the government approved the release as an "emergency" measure so that water with 100,000 times more radiation than the water found in a normally functioning reactor can be removed from the basement of the turbine building at reactor No. 2 and stored somewhere on the site.

Is this not completely shocking to everyone else?  ONE HUNDRED TIMES the legal limit??  That really freaks me out.  I keep hearing reports about the radiation being under control and that it's not really going to pose a threat to humans.  How could that not pose a threat?  And what about the sea-life in the area.  And shouldn't it be up to more than just Japan whether or not they leak radiation into the ocean?  It's not like the water doesn't go anywhere other than Japan.  This affects the entire planet.  

It's just really frustrating to me.  I made light of it earlier and said something about Godzilla being on his way, but seriously folks, this is terrifying.  It makes me glad that I don't eat seafood (go vegetarian!).  What is this going to do to the sea-life in the area (and beyond)?

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