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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 2: Yep, running still sucks...

Ugh. I just finished my second night of running. And, surprise, it still sucked. I have learned a great lesson though: don't eat brownies before running.

haha... that probably works for most foods though. I ate brownies about 45 minutes before I ran. And, they thought about making a reappearance. But, fortunately, they did not. Phew! **wipes brow** That certainly would not have made me want to run again tomorrow... or, you know, ever again.

So, now I know that I shouldn't eat soon before running. Which, looking back, I should've known not to do. I didn't think it would be a big deal since I didn't eat a whole lot of the brownies... but I had eaten dinner about 45 minutes before that. So, now I won't eat within an hour or so of running. :)

Other than that, the run went pretty well. I still had the burning lungs and the profuse sweating, but I didn't notice them so much since the partially digested brownie was speaking to me the loudest. hahaha And, I was able to run longer this time. Not a whole lot, but I've got to start somewhere, right?!

Jack (my Jack Russell/Poodle mix) did well again tonight but he wasn't quite as enthusiastic as he was last night. He's already passed out on his bed. :) At least we're both getting our exercise.

Now, I'm off to hit the showers. Until tomorrow... goodnight!

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