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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I stand by my decision...

Today, I came across a blog written by a teacher about school lunches. It's called "Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project." Basically, this teacher eats school lunch every day. She takes pictures and describes the food... if you can even call it that. She insists that students need good, healthy food for lunch each day in order to be good students... and for them to learn how to eat well so that they will not have to fight obesity and other health issues.

I agree with her completely. I know how crappy I feel when I indulge in food that is not so great for me. And that food is at least tasty. I can't imagine how I would feel after eating disgusting food that is also not good for me.

Sometimes, she also brings up the fact that the schools are lacking in funding which means that they may have to get rid of some teachers. And that means increasing class sizes -- up to 40 students per classroom. CAN YOU FATHOM HAVING 40 KIDS IN ONE CLASS WITH ONE TEACHER?? I can't.

I worked in a middle school for about 3 years. I wasn't even a teacher. However, I did spend some time in the classrooms. The most I ever saw in a classroom was around 30. And those classes were INSANE. The teachers are at their wits' ends and the students are bored and attention-deprived and not learning. It is not pleasant for students or teachers.

All of this reinforces the fact that I will surely home-school my children. I want my children to learn. I don't want them to have to deal with the crap that public school puts them through. Philip and I were both gifted children who ended up just being bored in school. That is a waste. I don't want my children's talents to be wasted. I want them to be encouraged and pushed. Not bored and frustrated.

When my children reach a certain age, I will probably put them in a private school so that they can participate in school activities and gain an actual high school diploma, but I will make sure that they are going to a good school. And, I will make them take their own lunch. That way I can be sure of what they are eating. And, since my children will be vegetarian, I doubt that the schools will be making an effort to give them something they could eat anyway.

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