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Saturday, March 27, 2010

I didn't settle... and I paid the price. ;)

Wednesday night, I did the five laps. It wasn't pleasant, but I did it. I wanted to stop pretty much every step I took. So did Jack. haha. But, we got through it. And, I was proud of myself. It wasn't quite as awful as Tuesday night, so that's progress, right? ;)

Thursday night, it was really warm. I tried to run at about 9:00 pm so that I would be finished and cooled down and showered by the time ABDC started (I'm addicted... I watch with my roommate Brandon every Thursday night at 10:00). I only made it four laps. I was sweating and it was just ugly. It's been so cool every night that I've ran that I wasn't used to the heat.

I didn't want to settle. So, I came in. I cooled down. I watched ABDC with Brandon. Then, at about 12:30, I went for my run. I was determined to make all five laps. And, I did. And, it hurt. My legs were like jello by the time I finished. However, I had the pride of knowing that I didn't settle.

And then, yesterday, I got to pay the price for that pride. I woke up mostly just tired/achy. Not really that bad, but not feeling 100%. However, by last night, my thigh muscles were on fire. I had Philip rub them down with Icy Hot. It felt a lot better. But, then I couldn't sleep. :sigh: When I did fall asleep, I slept like the dead. I was completely out of it. For a LONG time.

I am proud that I did it. However, I need to make a mental note: I AM NOT READY FOR 9 LAPS IN ONE NIGHT. Yet. I will soon, I'm sure. ;)

This week's goal is 6 laps. I'm sure I can do it. Wish me luck. :)

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