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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm awesome... but probably going to die.

haha... okay, so that's probably an exaggeration, but I felt like I was going to die when I finished running a little while ago.

So, earlier tonight, I told you about how I was able to complete my goal for this week on day 2 of 5. So, I set a new goal for myself. I completed that goal tonight. HAHAHA. Yes, I am that awesome. I ran all 5 laps tonight without having to stop to walk.

Although, it did hurt. A lot. Not my legs or other muscles. My lungs. They burn. Like fire. I finished the run about 20 minutes ago. The burning has almost stopped, but I am still coughing a bit.

I really feel like I pushed myself tonight. I didn't think I was going to make it past three laps. But, I knew I could do it. I made myself keep going. The end of the fifth lap, I didn't feel as bad. I just felt proud that I was going to accomplish my goal already.

Since my body was really feeling it today, I'm not going to up my goal for tomorrow. I just want to be able to run the five laps with more ease. Meaning, I don't want to feel like death when I finish. ;) Wish me luck for tomorrow. :)

P.S. My new running shoes are great. I love them. They don't hurt my feet or my back. They are comfortable and breathe really well. I even ran through a giant puddle the other night when it was raining (I didn't see it in the dark), but the shoes were dry by the next day. They are GREAT running shoes. I really recommend them. Again, they are Saucony Grid Cohesion 3 running shoes. :)

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