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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

House Update + Daly News

So, yesterday Joe had the a/c guy come to check out the a/c for the house. It won't be enough to heat and cool the house. It'll be $10,000.00 to update that. Which breaks our budget. There is almost no way that we could do the kitchen, the bathrooms, and update the heat and air.

And on top of that, while they were looking at that, they found a leak of some sort. I wasn't sure what Joe was talking about but, it didn't sound good. So, Joe basically said that there was no way that we could get Cabaniss. I was heartbroken, we thought we should look at some other houses in the area.

Last night, we went to look at three houses. None of them were any good. So, that instilled more of a want to get Cabaniss. Joe is supposed to schedule an appointment to see if a waterproofer can come out to look at the house and give us an estimate. Apparently on one side of the house, the ground is above the top of the crawlspace and when it rains, water gets into the crawlspace and under the foundation or something. The owners had someone come in and half-ass a repair but water can still get in. So, we’ll see where that goes. Depending on what happens with the waterproofer and the owners, it may still be what we buy. Joe sounded like it was a huge deal yesterday, but I’m not so sure that it will be. We talked to the realtor last night and she recommended a waterproofer and see how bad it is.

So, I was still feeling crappy when we got home because I didn’t like any of those houses and they were all more expensive than Cabaniss. It didn’t seem like a very good compromise. I like them less and they cost more. Well, if I thought I was feeling crappy then, I felt even crappier when I opened the door. Daly had somehow escaped from her crate (they were inside yesterday because it was supposed to rain, but it didn’t despite the 60% chance from 10:00 am on). Luckily we always keep our bedroom door shut, but we didn’t shut the office/spare bedroom door. She destroyed a bunch of stuff in the living room, the kitchen and the office and she tore stuff out of the trash. That wouldn’t have been huge because we know she is destructive when she’s left alone (she has separation anxiety). And none of the stuff was really that important. Paper towels and junk mail and a bag of chips mostly. So, it was a huge mess, but nothing that important. I was disappointed, but not ready to kill her.

Until I walked into the office and looked. She peed twice on the bed and on the treadmill. I literally squealed I was so shocked. A mess I can handle. Her peeing on the floor I can handle (we were gone longer than normal). But her peeing on the bed and the treadmill I could not handle. I just started bawling. Joe put all of them outside and we started cleaning up the mess while I cried.

That was the last straw from Daly. She is now a completely outside dog. She slept outside by herself last night and she’s outside by herself today because it’s supposed to rain. That upset me even more. I don’t want her to have to be an outside dog, but she can’t be left in the house. I don’t know how much money she’s going to cost us to fix that bathroom after she gnawed on the cabinets and the wood trim around the door a few months ago (that's why she's in a crate! I still don't know how she got out!). And now she destroyed the mattress. I couldn’t sleep last night. I just tossed and turned.

She seemed fine this morning. She apparently wasn’t fazed by it. So, that made me feel better. I feel like hell though. Yesterday just was not my day.

1 comment:

Jon and Aileen said...

:( That's a big sad face, but I can't make it any bigger on the computer.

I'm so sorry about the house crap...that sucks. Is there any way you could knock the price down since there was stuff you didn't find out about?? They can't just spring that stuff on you. As for Daly, that sucks too.

Yeah. I don't really have much else to say, except that I'm sorry all this stuff happened...especially at once