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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My new obsession...

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Twilight Saga, don't try! You will never be able to put it down!

I downloaded it to my Kindle on Friday... The first book: Twilight. I couldn't put it down.

As soon as I finished it, I downloaded the second book: New Moon. I stayed up until 4:00 in the morning reading it. I got back up at 7:30 and started reading more. Joe and I had stuff to do that day for the house and I brought my kindle with me.

As soon as I finished the second book, I downloaded the third book: Eclipse. I read all weekend long.

I downloaded the fourth book on Sunday. With work and all those other things I "have to do" I still haven't finished the fourth book. I can't wait to finish it. It's driving me nuts. I just have a few pages left. :)

The books are absolutely amazing. And Edward Cullen will always be my dream guy... Shhhh... don't tell Joe! And I'd totally be better for him than Bella. Except for the whole being a vegetarian thing. Edward Cullen might be perfect enough to make me drink blood though. :)

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